Cazuela de pava + Pipeño Moscatel
In Spain, we find the older sister of the South American cazuela, mentioned as olla podrida (rotten pot) by Miguel de Cervantes in his Don Quijote. But I prefer its other origin, closer to me, called corri achawal by the Mapuche people, consisting of a turkey or gallina araucana broth with potatoes, squash, chuchoca (Summer ground corn), and wild herbs.
This succulent dish, an emblem of Chilean cuisine, had to be paired with an ancestral wine from the same terroir: A Pipeño from centenary vines of Moscatel de Alejandría, head-trained in the dry-lands of Maule, Itata, and Biobío valleys. This lush, generous, and slightly sweet wine merges with the fresh flavors of the cazuela and together they just make history.
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