12th Bangkok Wine Tasting & Chile Wine Trade Show

We are extremely proud of our masterclass and trade show in Thailand. Chilean wines and especially the stories behind them were highlighted. Lots of interest and questions from the representatives of the trade and association of sommeliers. Really great feedback.
Led by Joe Sriwarin, president of Thailand’s Sommelier Association, also took over the traditional competition to choose the best somm from Thailand. We were in charge of the questions about Chilean vitiviniculture. Some of them awfully tricky but we were impressed with the knowledge of some candidates. On the other hand, the 15 finalists proposed amazing pairings between Thai dishes and Chilean wines.
But not only the wine trade attended our wine show. Also actors, celebrities and politicians. Almost 800 guests enjoyed a night of wines and food at the Renaissance Bangkok Hotel. It was a big party. Sunny Chile really shone in Thailand.
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